Hornady Powder Measure Lock & Load

OUR PRICE $249.99

Else Where: $269.00 7% ($19.01)

The Lock-N-Load Powder Measure is the only system that uses a full size powder measure that can be reset to another charge or powder with the push of a button.

The unique inserts in the measure can be preset to the charge you use with the caliber you are loading. Push a button, change inserts and powder and you’re ready to go. Inserts can be adjusted for almost any charge. T

The most flexible (and economical) powder system available for progressive presses. (With optional powder die you never have to readjust for a caliber conversion. It switches instantly.)

• Smooth Delivery with All Types of Propellant
• Push of a Button to Swap Metering Inserts (some sold separately)
• Large Charge Range from 5 grains to 265 grains
• Multiple Mounting Options – Comes with Bracket to bench mount

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Hornady Powder Measure Lock & Load

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